Differences in collections: What does Black by Brian Gavin, Signature, and Blue mean? How do they differentiate?
Diamonds in the Black by Brian Gavin Collection have been quite popular with our clients, as well they should be. Black by Brian Gavin Diamonds represent the pinnacle of achievement in the career of Brian Gavin who is a fifth-generation diamond cutter.
As a matter of fact, we think of Black by Brian Gavin Diamonds as an entirely new class of diamond because the cut quality exceeds industry standards for hearts and arrows diamonds. We’re doing stuff with hearts and arrows diamonds that makes other diamond cutters take pause and say what?!?!
As in “What? How’d they do that?!?!”
“We fine-tuned the minor facets, baby!”
(we also tightened up the proportions and a few other things which are patent pending)
Brian Gavin relied on his expertise and 80 years of collective diamond cutting experience during the research and development phase for the Black by Brian Gavin Diamond collection. In doing so, we feel that he raised the bar for diamond cutters throughout the world.
But What Is Black & How Does It Differ from Other BGD Signature Diamonds?
The difference between Black by Brian Gavin Diamonds and other diamonds in the collections, such as Brian Gavin Signature and Brian Gavin Blue Fluorescent Diamonds, is one of those things that might seem a little confusing, until it’s not.
I know how strange that sounds, but you’re probably familiar with the famous adage which says “You don’t know what you don’t know until you know it” and in a moment, you’re going to be a walking, talking expert on the differences between the different diamond collections available from Brian Gavin Diamonds.
I suppose that it makes the most sense to start at the beginning.
Black by Brian Gavin Diamonds Goes Back to The Future:
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, a very young Brian Gavin cut his first tooth on a diamond cutting wheel while sitting on the lap of his father.
Screech. Hold on a second, let’s not go back quite that far (this is only a 5-minute read).
Without going into the usual blow-by-blow list of bullet points commonly used to highlight a career path full of achievements, it is important to revisit 1998 when Brian Gavin introduced the first “A Cut Above ™” diamond which reflected improvements he had made on the design of hearts and arrows diamonds.
If you’ve been around the block a time or two, then you will probably recognize the brand name “A Cut Above™” which is currently sold by Whiteflash.com which Brian co-founded in 2001. You can learn more about the development and transition of “A Cut Above Diamonds” to Whiteflash.com in the About Us Section of Brian Gavin Diamonds.
Brian Gavin Signature Diamonds, the Next Generation of H&A:
In 2009, Brian Gavin announced another advancement in the cutting of H&A diamonds and introduced his line of Brian Gavin Signature hearts and arrows diamonds.
The chatter throughout the industry was earth-shattering and everybody was excited to see the incredible sparkle factor and light performance exhibited by the new collection of Brian Gavin Signature diamonds.
Well, almost everybody was excited to see it… Brian’s “competitors” were a’ Grumbling…
That’s because every Brian Gavin Signature diamond is cut to Brian Gavin’s exacting standards which happen to be incredibly high. Which means that in addition to scoring incredibly high for light performance on American Gem Society Laboratory (AGSL) on their Light Performance grading platform, these diamonds also exhibit a higher degree of optical precision that the majority of diamond cutters can only dream of achieving.
It practically goes without saying that people had a lot to say about the sparkle factor of Brian Gavin Signature diamonds, but there were, of course, a few skeptics. I suppose it was just one of those things where you had to see it to believe it, but it wasn’t long before the rave reviews started rolling in, and more and more people just like you began to flock to Brian Gavin Diamonds to buy their engagement ring.
The rest, as they say, is history…
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by Brian Gavin:
All right, are you ready for it? Because this is the point where things are really going to make sense and you’re going to become an expert on the differences between all the different types of Brian Gavin Signature diamonds.
Any super ideal cut diamond produced by Brian Gavin which exhibits any degree of blue fluorescence is placed in the Brian Gavin Blue Fluorescent Diamond collection. That’s a pretty simple concept, isn’t it?
Which means that this is your lucky day if you’re a fan of blue fluorescence, because every Brian Gavin Blue fluorescent diamond is also cut to Brian Gavin’s exacting standards.
And that means that you’re going see the same incredible sparkle dancing on your finger whether you choose a Brian Gavin Signature or Brian Gavin Blue fluorescent diamond.
Speaking of which Brian Gavin diamond, you should choose, you might be wondering whether you should buy a Brian Gavin Blue fluorescent diamond for your engagement ring. Well, let’s just say that if you do, you’ll be in good company because that’s what Brian’s wife is sporting on her ring finger.
In addition, to being cut like a dream, Brian Gavin Blue fluorescent diamonds aren’t actually blue in color and face-up as white and bright as any other Brian Gavin Signature diamond. The blue fluorescence is only readily apparent when the diamond is exposed to black light.
The rest of the time, your Brian Gavin Blue Signature diamond will look perfectly normal stunning. Which means that blue fluorescence is like a hidden superpower (because it can also make your diamond appear to be even whiter and brighter under normal lighting conditions) that only you will know about (unless you tell everybody about your amazing BGD Blue).
P.S. setting a diamond in prongs which are white metal, such as platinum or white gold, is likely to make your Brian Gavin diamond look even whiter and brighter. That’s because the color of the metal which touches the edge of the diamond and reflects throughout it can influence your perception of color by as much as one color grade.
Black by Brian Gavin Steals the Show:
(Mic Drop)
Yea, it’s like that.
We really don’t know what else to say about the performance of Black by Brian Gavin Diamonds because the truth is that t hey speak for themselves.
Just imagine the most incredible sparkle that you’ve ever seen from a diamond.
The highest degree of light return.
The best light performance imaginable.
That’s what you should expect from the Black by Brian Gavin Diamond set in your e-ring.
And yet, at the same time, the reality is that a lot of Brian Gavin Signature and Brian Gavin Blue fluorescent diamonds deliver the same incredible sparkle and light performance.
And I’ll tell you why…
It’s rather simple actually.
You’ve heard the old adage that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?
Well, that’s not actually true (it’s just an excuse that old men use not to do stuff) but what is true is that you can’t teach your diamond cutters new skills, without having those skills bleed over into the rest of your production.
Nor can you buy your diamond cutters newer, state-of-the-art equipment without having the higher quality of that equipment affect the rest of your production in more positive ways.
Which means that there are a lot of Brian Gavin Signature and Brian Gavin Blue fluorescent diamonds that are actually cut to the same standards as the new Black by Brian Gavin Diamonds, but they’re not in the Black collection because they belong in the Signature or Blue collections. Which is what this article is all about, right?
With that in mind, here’s the inside scoop:
The minimum clarity grade required for a diamond produced by Brian Gavin to be placed in the Black collection is VS-2 and the minimum color grade is G-color with exception of some larger carat weight diamonds.
Which means that even if a diamond is cut to the higher standard commanded of Black by Brian Gavin, it’s likely to be placed in the Brian Gavin Signature collection if it’s H-color or warmer, or if it’s lower than VS-2 in clarity.
And if that same diamond were to exhibit any degree of blue fluorescence, such as faint blue, medium blue, strong blue, or very strong blue fluorescence, then it’s automatically going to be placed in the Brian Gavin Blue fluorescent diamond collection.
Why? Because it’s a Blue (fluorescent diamond).
That makes perfect sense, right?
And there you have it, a perfectly reasonable (and easy to follow) explanation that defines the differences between:
• Brian Gavin Blue fluorescent diamonds
Oh darn, I just realized that I forgot to mention Diamonds in the Cape Series by Brian Gavin. No problem let’s just cover the basic details for that collection really quick.
Back in the day (when Brian Gavin was still cutting his teeth on that diamond cutting wheel) they used to refer to diamonds in the color range of M-Z color as “Cape Color Diamonds” because most of them were cut from diamond rough sourced from the British Cape Colony.
With that in mind, many of the diamonds produced by Brian Gavin which are in the M-Z color grade spectrum are classified as Cape by Brian Gavin Diamonds.