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James & Michelle - the Happy Couple!

A Mountain Top Proposal at Sunset with a Brian Gavin Diamond Engagement Ring…

Just over a month ago we were contacted by a customer asking about having us set a "surprise" diamond and amethyst inside the shank of a classic Tiffany style half round solitaire. The "surprise" stones have been a real hit here at BGD and customers love the special significance of them. We set the customer's new 0.71 ct Brian Gavin Signature H & A diamond into the classic Tiffany style half round solitaire and then set the 2 surprise stones inside the shank.

On receiving the ring , James e-mailed in the following:

Hello Lesley, I picked up the ring today from the FedEx shipping center and everything looks great. The ring is fantastic and I know my girlfriend will love it. It will be on her hand in exactly two weeks! She will be visiting me during her spring break and I have planned a hike in the mountains near Tucson, Arizona. I plan to pop the question at sunset after the hike is over. It will also be her birthday that day so she is in for a great birthday SURPRISE! I can't wait to give her the ring. I will let you know how things turn out. The glamour shots of the ring are very nice as well, thanks for those. James.

This evening James e-mailed in the wonderful "proposal" pictures below along with this:

Hello Lesley, After a 4 mile hike in the Santa Catalina Mountains, I took Michelle near the highest peak to watch the sunset. It was very cold near the top so I had to be quick about proposing. There was a nice spot near the road where there was a lookout into a valley below and the highest peaks of the Catalinas surrounding us. I had hid the engagement ring in my camera bag and I love to take pictures of everything we do. So I told her, let me take your picture against the setting sun and mountains. I kneeled down, pretending to take my camera out to take her picture, but instead took out the brown box with the engagement ring. She asked me what's that, and I just smiled and opened the box. Of course she said yes after I proposed! She didn't even let me finish my speech I had prepared, she just wanted to kiss me! I had never seen her more happy! She thinks the ring is perfect. That day was also her birthday and the beginning of her spring break with me in Tucson. We celebrated our engagement that night by stuffing ourselves full of Italian food to regain the calories we lost hiking! James

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