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Brian Gavin and Lesley Harris attend their Son’s College Graduation in New York City…

Brian Gavin and Lesley Harris attend their Son’s College Graduation in New York City…

Last Thursday Lesley and I flew to New York to attend the college graduation of our second son, Aaron B. Gavin. For the past four years he has been a student in the Scholars Program in the Honors College at Brooklyn College, a campus of the City University of New York. He graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Political Science and was also elected to the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa Society. The graduation took place in the rain outside on the college campus but the weather did not dampen our excitement. We spent the weekend helping him to pack up four years of "treasures" in his apartment, which is now all safely being stored in boxes in our house here in Houston!

On Monday he left on his Jeanette K. Watson Fellowship internship at the M. Venkatarangaiya Foundation (MVF) in Secunderabad, India. MVF has its presence from the grassroots level to international campaigns to champion the cause of child rights. MVF works simultaneously with the community, government departments, school authorities, employees of child labor, activists and existing structures that work for child rights. It is actively involved in withdrawing children from work and mainstreaming them into full time formal schools. All the meetings will be held in Telugu or Hindi so he will have an interpreter with him most of the time. Aaron's research and reports will be used by MVF to galvanize support from many others at a policy level. Yes, we are proud parents!

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