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Brian Gavin and Richard Homer – the two cutters meet……

Brian Gavin and Richard Homer – the two cutters meet……

Brian Gavin, "Brian the Cutter" and Richard Homer recently met at a meeting arranged by Wink Jones of Winfield's in Boise, Idaho, and a good friend of both men. Homer is an Award-winning gemstone faceter who had his exquisite gemstone collection on hand for Gavin to enjoy. Although Brian had read about and seen numerous pictorial examples of Homer's work, the two had never met face to face.
Two Great cutters meet
Two Great Cutters Meet
Homer pioneered the concave-cutting technique. Whereas most gemstones are usually cut flat, Homer radically curves and cups facets along the pavilion, girdle, and table of traditionally shaped gemstones to make them explode with light and color. The hallmark of his work is remarkable brilliance. Richard considers his most noteworthy skill his creativity in new design, which often requires new cutting techniques and procedures that in turn require specialized tools that he creates to suit his needs. picture5picture4 Richard has won 15 American Gem Trade Association Cutting Edge Awards. He has also set records cutting one of the world's largest gemstones; the 20,769ct Adiël Topaz and some of the rarest, including Tashmarine, Kyanite, and Paraiba Tourmaline. Lesley Harris was on hand to enjoy the beautiful gem stones too.
Richard Homer, Wink Jones, Lesley Harris and Brian Gavin
20,000ct Adiël Topaz. Photo courtesy Richard Homer.
20,000ct Adiël Topaz. Photo courtesy Richard Homer.
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