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Another Hand Picture

Brian Gavin Creates Exquisite Two Tone Platinum, Gold and Diamond Setting for Customer's Red Spinel…

After having had us create her beautiful Josette custom platinum and diamond setting in the first half of 2009, Deborah contacted us in October 2009 to begin discussions for a setting for her oval shaped 3.21 carat red spinel. She wanted something very different in two tone yellow gold and platinum, featuring some Brian Gavin Signature diamond melee. Brian and the team put their heads together and e-mailed off a first rendering, stating that it was just a starting point or that she should feel free to throw it out if it was not to her taste.

"I love it! I was totally stunned when I opened the CADS since it was such a different concept than what I was thinking but it's the perfect design for "Big Red". The only catch is that I don't want it made until late winter/early spring."

We saved the CADs and waited to hear from Deborah, all the while keeping "Big Red" safely locked up.

Almost a year passed and Deborah e-mailed in that she would be ready for us to create the ring in the spring of 2011. At the end of May she gave us the green light and we finalized the details.

"I like the two tone equally as well as all gold so I want Brian to make the final decision and it'll be a surprise for me — I'll be ecstatically happy either way." We decided to make it two tone to enhance the dramatic effect of the design.

Deborah was coming in to town and arranged to meet with Brian to pick up her ring. She was absolutely thrilled. When she returned to her computer she e-mailed in the following:

Lesley, I believe I was rather quiet about the ring when I picked it up because then, as now, I find there are no words adequate enough to describe it. Perfection, work of art, feast for the eyes…neither individually nor together is quite enough. The ring is above and beyond my expectations for a setting to showcase the center stone. The design is exquisite; its execution is sublime, and the quality is superb. I am thrilled that I had the chance to work with you and Brian again. It just blows my mind when I talk to Brian about a project and say "Well I sorta kinda want something like…but not really like that…oh, just put your creative genius to work and magic happens.Brian makes magic happen." Please send my regards and thanks to the rest of the crew. Deborah

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