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Ana's Hand Shot of her New Brian Gavin Melissa Diamond Engagement Ring

Brian Gavin Diamonds “Rocks” Customer’s World!

On St. Patty's Day, my now fiance and I decided it was finally time to get married (after five years). I contacted Lesley at BGD as I have worked with them on multiple occasions and they are INCREDIBLE. Lesley worked incredibly hard to find something that was in our budget and would blow my mind. She succeeded! I now am the proud owner of my very own Brian Gavin Blue diamond set in the platinum Melissa setting. I cannot get over the incredible quality of the diamond and setting. Top notch!

This is the story of the proposal:

Hi Lesley!

I am beyond excited about how amazing everything is. I am attaching a goofy picture of me right after the engagement. Let me back up a bit…

On Thursday, I received notification that the ring had arrived at the FedEx location. I was SO excited I couldn't contain it. We went into town and proceeded to run tons of meaningless errands. All the while I was thinking, my poor ring is sitting all alone by itself just waiting for someone to arrive! Finally we went to FedEx to pick up the sparkler. Once the clerk brought the box out I panicked because the box was smushed in and didn't look too good. She made us open the box in front of her to ensure that everything was okay. Well, inside the first box was another box. Inside that box was another package. The woman asked us if someone was pulling a prank on us. I ensured her that you guys were just being super cautious. Eventually, Eric made it to the goods. Before he opened it he made me turn around so that I couldn't see it. Once he checked that all was well we headed back to the truck where he proceeded to stash my sparkler in the center console. I thought, "surely he isn't going to let it sit there the whole drive." (We were headed four hours out of town). Sure enough, he waited! I had already received the glamour shots so I knew what was in store but yet I wasn't allowed to feast my eyes on the prize. We arrived at his brother's house and they couldn't wait to see the ring. Still, we waited! That night we went to an amazing dinner with good drinks and good food. I thought, surely Eric will propose. Nope! The following day came and went. That night, after I had changed into my comfortable house clothes (sweats!!!) I was reading comfortably on the couch. Eric got my attention and told me to go get the ring since I knew where it was. I looked up in confusion and said "SHUT UP! Are you serious?!" I didn't want him to say no so I promptly ran into the room where it was stashed and grabbed the bag. I brought it back to him and gave him the box. He dropped to one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes as he placed the ring on my finger. I was laughing hysterically the whole time because I was so overjoyed.

Everyone I have showed it to compliments how beautiful it is. I can't get over how delicate it is. I saw the pictures of the Melissa setting which is a spectacular piece of art. When I saw it in person, I was blown away. The elegance of the lines and how it wraps around the diamond is something you can't explain without showing it off. We went to my future in-laws last night to show Eric's Dad the ring. He kept saying how much it sparkled and how he had never seen anything sparkle that much. I had to agree! I don't think I'll ever get tired of gazing at my hand. Thank you so much for making the entire process amazing. Your service and quality are second to none! Ana F.

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