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Brian Gavin‘s Custom Diamond Pave Engagement Ring Thrills Singapore Customer...

Brian Gavin‘s Custom Diamond Pave Engagement Ring Thrills Singapore Customer...

At the end of September a potential customer from Singapore wrote in wanting to discuss the custom ring he had in mind. He wanted a fusion between our 3 row domed pave setting and a pave ring that had a curve from the aerial view, set with our Brian Gavin Signature melee. He requested that we CAD the curved version, with our "Truth" head to hold the .71ct Brian Gavin Signature Hearts and Arrows diamond he had selected. It took some fine tuning but we got it right , cast it in platinum and shipped it out before the weekend in time for his wedding which is this Friday.

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Hi Lesley, A gazillion thank yous for you and all the guys and gals in Brian Gavin for all the effort put in to ship my ring in time. Is Brian a professional photographer? Those shots are superb. 🙂 and please convey our appreciation to your CAD designer as well. 🙂 Of course, I'm eager to see the ring with my own two eyes. I'm sure it will be superbly gorgeous. You certainly live up to your reputation of excellent and heart to heart customer service. 🙂 Thanks once again. Best regards, Aidil ps. can't wait.. can't wait..

Hi Lesley, I got to make this a quickie. Getting hitched soon. 🙂 I have received the beauty. And what a beauty it is. And the rock just sparkles like those in the B&Ms even in normal daylight conditions. Just plain astounding. Worth the wait definitely. Anyway, thanks once again and I do promise to write again once I get the wedding over with. Thank you once again. Best regards, Aidil

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