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True Love

Customer Helps Brian Gavin to Create a Unique Work of Art - Introducing the “Suzanne” Diamond Engagement Ring…

One evening in mid April, we received an e-mail from a customer which started like this:

Everything I know about diamonds, I've learned in the past couple of day… most of it during late night marathon internet searches. Threads on quickly led me to your site, and I'm quite pleased with your selection of diamonds and settings.

Clay called in to discuss his diamond purchase with Brian and together they selected a beautiful 1.15 ct Brian Gavin Signature H & A diamond. He had very definite ideas of what he wanted for the setting. He e-mailed in an annotated sketch plus some pictures of ring shanks to help portray the rope design he was after. We generated the CAD, tweaked some of the features and ended up with a magnificent creation. We named it after Suzanne, Clay's excited new fiancée. The process can be seen in the picture gallery below.

Brian and Lesley, I want to thank you again for all the patience and guidance you provided to me as we designed my engagement ring together. I proposed to Suzanne over the Memorial Day weekend, while camping at the beach. As I got down on my knee in the water at low tide, her first words were "holy " and "don't drop it, don't drop it, don't drop it!" She, and everyone who has seen it since, has been extremely impressed with the ring: first after being blinded by the magnificent stone, then by the craftsmanship and design details of the setting itself. Everybody has asked me how I was able to be so comfortable buying something so special sight-unseen off the internet; your reputation is strong, and you didn't disappoint. Thank you so very much for allowing me the opportunity to help create a unique work of art, which we will both treasure over the years. We've already begun discussing the matching bands for both of us. I can't wait! Thanks, Clay H.

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