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Customer Reactions to Brian Gavin's Diamond Recuts and Custom Designed Jewelry...

Customer Reactions to Brian Gavin's Diamond Recuts and Custom Designed Jewelry...

…Lesley, I have missed you so much and am so excited to have you back 🙂 I don't know what I want on settings, probably custom…. YOU HAVE SPOILED ME!!! How long will the bands take to create? I can't wait to post my new Brian the Cutter stuff :)…

…Brian, Okay so… I just love this more and more, the more I look at it! I'm so excited. And I can't believe how quickly you were able to just pop into my head and pull that out! Like magic. Seriously. No micro-management needed, just 'here's what I'm thinking' and POOF, perfect outline! YAY! It's just beautiful. Thank you, thank you, thank you…

…Hi Lesley/Brian, I saw the custom pendant that you guys did for Gypsy … and it's simply lovely! It just happened that I am embarking on an earring project and wonder if you are interested to provide a quote…Thank you for your time. I can't wait for your new website to go up!! …

…Dear Brian and Lesley, Great to see you back!! I love that new custom necklace you are making for Gypsy, it's outstanding. I have a three stone ring that I need to be redesigned. Not sure if this is something you'd take on or be interested in. Right now, I look at it, and go pretty stones, but the setting just is blah. Let me know your thoughts…

…Brian, Diamond received safe and sound. The recut is a masterpiece. Lemonade out of a lemon. VERYYYYY nice work…

… Lesley, Your Client Portal is REALLY cool! WAY advanced. I love it. Great job…

…Hello Lesley! What a lovely email to read first thing in the morning. Thank you for that! I am extremely excited to see what is in store for you and Brian. I'm looking forward to working with you in the future if the opportunity presents itself. In the meantime, I'll continue to hit refresh on the new site daily…

…Lesley, I managed to pop out at lunchtime today and pick the package up from the courier. Turned out their depot was only about 15 miles away from work so it wasn't too bad, although a little difficult as I work in the same company as my girlfriend and we normally take lunch together so I had to make my excuses :o) Looking at it closely the stone really is stunning! It's an absolutely beautiful ring. Thank you so much for all your help with it, and I'll certainly be passing your details on in the future. Now I just have to work out where to hide it for 2 weeks!…

1.32ct Brian Gavin Signature Hearts and Arrows diamond set in a 4 prong platinum tiffany style solitaire
1.32ct Brian Gavin Signature Hearts and Arrows diamond set in a 4 prong platinum tiffany style solitaire
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