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Carolyn Showing us the Swooping Lines of her new Brian Gavin Custom Ring

Customer Thrilled with her Platinum 3 Stone Split Shank Trellis Princess Cut Diamond Reset by Brian Gavin...

Carolyn e-mailed Denise in early June. Her new 3 stone princess cut diamond ring project had gone all wrong. She had commissioned a local Canadian jewelry store to create the ring using her 3 princess cut diamond, but was less than satisfied with the outcome. Thankfully for her, the company agreed to refund her money and she started the exciting journey of creating her platinum 3 stone trellis ring here at BGD!

I'm so thrilled that your company is making my ring. You are all amazing people 🙂

Denise worked with Carolyn on the details of the setting while we helped her to ship her diamonds to us. She wanted us to set her 3 princess cut diamonds in a platinum 3 stone trellis style setting with a split shank leading up to the edge of the 2 outer diamonds. She also requested that the 3 diamonds be set at the same table height.

It is a gorgeous ring! It will be amazing when it's created in 'real life' so I'll wait and hear from you if those ideas can work, and then go from there! I'm very excited and really happy I'm doing this with you!

We created the CAD and sent it to her for approval. We made some minor adjustments and she approved the 2nd CAD Rendering. We proceeded to casting and when set and completed, we e-mailed her the Glamor Shots:

OMG. OMG. OMG!!!!!!! Perfection in platinum!!! Tomorrow is way too long from now! Lesley that is the most gorgeous ring I've ever ever EVER had!!! I can't wait – tell Brian he is a GOD in diamond land!!!

She picked up her package which included the new 18K White Gold Barbara pendant we had created for her Old European Cut diamond (OEC):

I am SOOOOOOO happy with my gorgeous treasures!!! Thank you ALL so much for making this so easy and fun to create a beautiful new ring – I LOVE IT!!!!!

Carolyn's personal shots as well as her Brian Gavin Glamor Shots are featured below:

Previous Earrings Like Two Perfect Stars