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A Creative View of Bill's Tennis Bracelet

Fantastic February Feedback from Brian Gavin’s Customers…

  • Hi Lesley, I would just like to thank you and Brian for the wonderful job you did on the final ring. It looks spectacular and Joanne loves it (so much she hates taking it off her finger for anything!). We both find it absolutely amazing the way it sparkles in any lighting, and how great it looks on her finger. She gets compliments about it all the time and I cannot imagine anyone who wouldn't say anything if they saw it. She is now taking a look at wedding bands on your site because she wants one with melee of the same quality as her engagement ring. You will probably be hearing from us again soon 🙂 Thanks again. Eduardo
  • Brian Gavin & Lesley Harris, Thank you both so much. I just returned from picking up the ring right now and it looks absolutely stunning. I'm very impressed and I'm the one that picked it out! I cannot wait until my soon to be fiancee sees the ring. She's going to be speechless. You both were a great help to me in picking out out my perfect ring. I can't say how impressed I was with the level of communication and information you both provided. Whether it be late night and early morning e-mails I always felt I knew what was happening with my ring, and for me that was very important. Because other than a car, this is the biggest purchase I have made in my life. And while what I bought is probably a moderately priced ring compared to some of the fantastic custom work I've seen on your website and blog, the level of service and attention I received made me feel like I was the most important customer you had. I cannot wait to recommend your services to others I know and I'm sure I will be shopping from you both again when we start looking for wedding bands or other special jewelry. Thank you both again, Sincerely, Matthew P.S. I love the glamor shots of the ring, they make it look beautiful.
  • Wow! It looks beautiful Lesley. I am sure my wife will love it! I am grateful for your patience and eagerness to help me find the perfect matching diamonds and ring. I hope to be back in the next couple of years for a 3 stone diamond ring to compliment her beautiful band! Best Regards, Alex
  • Hi Lesley, I picked up the ring today and it looks brand new. You and Brian are really something special. Just wanted to say thanks so much. We'll be much more careful in the future. Dan
  • Hi Lesley! I just wanted to thank you and Brian again for another wonderful experience! I'm happy to say that my fiance was absolutely thrilled when I showed her the pendant, and she's extremely happy to add it to her collection. I'll definitely be contacting you guys for future projects I have in mind! Thank you. Andy
  • Lesley, The ring is so beautiful! I picked it up last week and my fiancée already has it on her finger; it fits perfectly and really is incredible to behold. Josh
  • Hi Lesley, I got the ring! It looks fantastic. I will take some pics tomorrow and send them to you. It makes a fantastic set 🙂 Jess
  • Thanks Lesley! I got the earrings this afternoon and they're gorgeous. I look forward to dealing with you again! Maureen
  • Lesley. Received the bracelet, and it is very nice. Thanks, Bill ps. Lesley, you are the best!!!!!!!
  • Met with Brian and the ring does look gorgeous! Thanks , Dave
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