Loyal Customer’s "Forever" Brian Gavin Signature Hearts and Arrows Diamond Engagement Ring…
Last year Kate contacted us wanting to discuss the upgrade of her original A Cut Above Hearts and Arrows diamond that had been cut to Brian's exacting standards during his tenure at Whiteflash, which ended in December 2008. Being that our upgrade policy includes any A Cut Above H & A diamonds graded before November 2008, she was eligible and sent her diamond in. We unmounted it from the original 6 prong setting and Brian checked it carefully to make sure that it was in its original, undamaged condition, which it was. Ideally she wanted a 2 carat H SI1 or SI2, but being that we did not have one in stock at the time, Brian upgraded her to a 2.09 I SI1 Brian Gavin Signature Hearts and Arrows diamond and set it back into her original setting.
Over the next couple of months Kate watched the database and eventually a beautiful 2.12 H SI2 Brian Gavin Signature H & A came out of the factory. We had Kate send the ring back to us and we changed out the 2.09 for the 2.12 ct and we set it into her original setting. Last month she decided that she was ready to proceed with the creation of her "Forever" Setting and she e-mailed us inspiration pictures and descriptions to go through with Brian. We created the CAD and e-mailed it to her for her approval. We then cast the ring, and finished it off with a row of beautiful Brian Gavin Signature melee set around the middle of the basket. Needless to say she was absolutely thrilled!
L, I LOVE the ring!!! It is amazing. exactly what I had envisioned. Thanks SOOOOOO much, K
We share her diamond and setting upgrade adventure in pictures with our readers here today: