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More Great Reactions to Beautiful Diamond and Jewelry Projects from Brian Gavin…

More Great Reactions to Beautiful Diamond and Jewelry Projects from Brian Gavin…

As you can all imagine, we have been working around the clock to make sure that all our orders are shipped in time. Following is some of the fabulous feedback we received this past week…

    • Dear Brian and Lesley, I usually have very high standards for the work I perform and expect no less from others, although often I am left disappointed. When I received the ring you crafted for Phyllis, however, I was astonished at the quality of both the diamonds and the setting! Although I had seen photos of and read about ideally-cut diamonds on pricescope, nothing could prepare me for the dazzling light show that your three hearts-and-arrows stones display under any lighting conditions. The delicacy of your platinum work is marvelous and I appreciate your attention to detail; yes, I noticed that the stone is perfectly aligned with the prongs. Phyllis was overjoyed when presented with her gift and is unable to keep her eyes off of the ring. "Stunning" and "spectacular" are the words she uses the most often. We look forward to working with you again in the future! Francis
    • Lesley, I got the stone today. I can't believe that within 24 hours of placing the order that gorgeous little blinger was in my hands! It is close enough in size and color to match my family stone so I'll be going forward with my very first diamond purchase. I am so happy to have a baby BGD stone to call my own. I took it outside and the fire is just indescribable! I am blown away. My first thought was "Holy Fire Batman!!" My stone struggles to compete but she does OK with what little fire and brilliance she has. I keep telling myself that they will be in different ears so it's OK if they aren't perfectly matched. I'll be keeping it provided my husband agrees it's a suitable match. Thanks again! Claire
    • Lesley, The ring is absolutely beautiful. I love it. I am blown away by both the perfection of the stone and the elegance of setting. My eyes are literally sore from being blinded by looking at the stone under every type of lighting conditions. My parents, who are very difficult to impress, were very impressed. Of course I feel super smart for finding and picking you guys in the first place. I know my girlfriend will love it. Nitin
    • Brian and Leslie, I just wanted to thank both of you for all the time you took to help my boyfriend find the perfect diamond. I have had it on my hand for a day now and I can't get over the way it shines and sparkles. I can see the arrows in almost every lighting. This is truly my dream stone in every way. Now I have the hard part. I have to decide how to set it. I really appreciate that you took an entire Sunday afternoon to help him find the right stone. I would have loved to been there to learn all about cut from an expert, but at the same time, I loved the surprise. Sincerely, Micaela
    • I want to give you two the biggest THANK YOU I've ever given. The ring is incredible – words can't do it justice. I showed it to my roommates and they were stunned as well. It's honestly more than what I could have hoped for. I'll send you a follow-up once I "pop" the question to give you her reaction. But seriously, thank you so much for making something so incredibly special. Manoj
    • Hi Lesley! I received the studs and they are GORGEOUS!! Wow wow wow. I love them. Thank you so much for pulling this off so quickly, and for the very generous upgrade in color and clarity. I'm already looking forward to my next BGD piece (for myself) *wink wink* I hope you have a lovely weekend! Elisa
    • Hello!! I picked up my package on Tuesday, and seriously, all I can say is WOW. The ring is absolutely beautiful. The design is perfect for an emerald cut, MY emerald cut, and it was executed beautifully!! My diamond has never looked better. THANKS to you and Brian both!! I am so very happy. and the bracelet is just beautiful. Both pieces are elegant and delicate, exactly what I was after. VERY pleased! Hopefully before too long I will be able to reset my emerald cab. Thanks again Lesley and Brian!! So happy with everything. I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season! Becky
    • Lesley, I just wanted to let you know that I proposed and she said yes!!!!! I had hidden the ring in a book that I made so when she got to the last page it said "Elizabeth, will you marry me?" with the ring in a little hole cut out for it. She was really shocked and just sat there for a little bit before saying yes. I'm really excited and happy, and she loves the diamond and the ring! Aaron
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